카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 3. 2. 12:44
150302 How I met your mother 01x08 공부 Day 2 Barney: No, it's like it'll change everything. Oh, Ted, you are so screwed. Ted: What? What are you talking about? Robin: And why is that girl checking you out? (Girl at another table is looking at Barney) Barney: Because I look good. Now focus, you and Marshall are roommates. You have an amazing apartment. Marshall and Lily just got engaged Ted: Yeah,..
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카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 3. 1. 14:51
Lily: My apartment is a Chinese restaurant. What am I gonna do? Ted: Come live with us. Lily: Really? Ted: Of course. Marshall: You sure about this, Ted? Ted: Yeah. I mean, you basically live here anyway. It's not like it'll change anything.
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 3. 1. 14:35
150301 How I met your mother 01x08 공부 Day 1 Lily: You guys will never believe what just happened to us. Robin: I don't even believe it myself. Lily: We were in Queens and we decided to stop by my apartment. .... Robin: When was the last time you were there? Lily: Three months ago. .... Waitress: Yeah, from your homecoming picture. You're much prettier in person. Lily: Yeah, I know, the bangs wer..
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 3. 1. 14:25
LIVING ROOM(Daughter and Son sitting on couch)Future Ted: So kids, there are many buildings New York City.EXT. NEW YORK CITY BUILDINGSFuture Ted: Thousands of apartments. Millions of stories. And even though it's been decades and someone else lives there now, there's one apartment in particular that will always be our apartment. I have so many great memories of that place.EXT. APARTMENT(Marshall..
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 2. 5. 00:01
재료닭가슴살 300g(3쪽)다진마늘 1큰술소주 3큰술소금 1/2 작은술후춧가루 약간 1. 닭가슴살은 모양대로 길게 3등분2. 볼에 넣고 나머지 재료와 함께 버뮤려 10분간 재운다.3.달군 팬에 식용유를 두르고 중약 불에서 앞뒤로 3분씩 굽는다. 끝~
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 2. 4. 18:01
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 2. 4. 18:00
카테고리 없음 복리의 마법사 2015. 2. 4. 17:52
까사미아 3단 접이식 매트리스 까사미아 3단 접이식 매트리스가 도착하였다 색상은 스카이블루, 사이즈는 슈퍼싱글 좁은 자취방을 꽉 차지하는 크기이지만 접이식이기 때문에 잠을 자지 않을때는 넓게 사용할 수가 있다. 누워보니까 편하다. 불편한 점도 없고 스펀지처럼 눌러졌다가 다시 원상 복귀 안되는 현상도 없다. 가격이 좀 비싸긴 하지만 추천은 할만 하다. http://itempage3.auction.co.kr/DetailView.aspx?ItemNo=A965608432&frm3=V2